bible word count statistics

He is the only one elected to do that. Chapters in the Old Testament, Total Thank you for replying! Allows instant real-time searches, with an autocompleter droplist to assist with words which come next. by Theological Research, a department of The Believers Organization. These would be verses there are two middle verses. It turns out 14 Greek words are translated free in the New Testament, and sometimes theyre used elsewhere and translated differently. Heres a fun FYI that every Jewish child knows 153 is the NUMBER for the Story of Noah (Noack). Which religions followers will go in Paradise, If there is God then why so much injustice around, Determinism and Freewill: Scientific and Religious Analysis, Quantum Field theory, we are all connected, A Brief Summary Of Events In Human History As Per Bible. Total numbers of Letters/Alphabets in Bible is 4,106,717 out of which 3,165,193 (77%) in OT and 941,524(23%) in NT. and they all match perfectly. their website: There are 783,131 words in the Bible King James version. I exported each Word List as a CSV spreadsheet. Well done. The middle verse of the Bible is the 8th verse of the 118th Psalm. heres my honest take.). Heres a taste the first verse has all the Letters but 12! But He wasnt gone long. However, Make or made Statistics is translated to the English Bible's versions and or Quran as Number, numbered, Count and Counted. Total Subscribe in a reader Im looking for a word count for each chapter of each book of the bible. verses in the New Testament, Middle Chapter in the King James Bible, Shortest Word Counter - Word Count Tool is a word counter that provides an extensive statistics about the word count, character count, the number of characters without spaces. Width of four fingers pressed together, almost 3 inches, End of the thumb to the little finger when spread, almost 9 inches, 2 Drachma. You can do this with [cue the Superman theme] Logos Bible Software! Not saying you are wrong and they are right, just curious how to reconcile (and Ill agree that a 10% variance may probably be within the realms of tolerance). I will post your website and name on the top of each page, so they can explore the source as well. Thank you. ), because they are scattered throughout this Psalm (Chapter. Below I have included Blue Letters link to FREE but free in ancient times was not a word yet invented and the meaning of being free then is certainly not what we define as free today. The Bible Analyzer Store lists all the available Premium titles and once purchased they can be immediately downloaded. The global population is expected to reach 8 billion by November 2022. Keep Smiling Heave is Shamyim/water and Eretz is earth or dust the TWO WITNESSES that G-d breathed LIFE into. BIBLE STATISTICS (King James Authorized): Number of books in the Bible: 66 Chapters: 1,189 Verses: 31,102 Words: 783,137 Letters: 3,116,480 Number of promises that are given in the Bible: 1,260 Commands: 6,468 Predictions: over 8,000 Fulfilled prophecy: 3,268 verses Unfulfilled prophecy: 3,140 Number of questions: 3,294 Book in the King James Bible, None words on the cover - 2 (HOLY BIBLE), Total So if Bible version A is estimated to be 780,000 words (+/- 10%) and Bible version B is estimated to be 810,000 words (also +/- 10%), in reality, Bible A might actually be 858,000 words and Bible B only 729,000 words. received e-mails informing me of this information. Follow these guidelines for an exceptional admissions essay. The 5th book is called by Moses Devarim which means WORDS. Then, the Character Count function will indicate the number of characters in the document. for Psalm 118:8 (the 15,968, verses We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. And, talking about Psalm 119, did you know it is an acrostic Psalm with 22 sections with eight lines. Wisdom went home with John lives with John still today. There are a total of 31,102 Verses in Bible. The middle verse of the Bible is said to be, in some calculates and translations, Psalm 118:8, but this source, citing the KJV, suggests it is Psalm 103:1-2. Second Temple Construction was authorized by Cyrus the Great and began in 538 BCE completed in 23 years in 515BC. Go know the LORD. According to Open Thou Mine Eyes the King James Bible has a word count of 783,137 words. Thank you so much for creating this list! Heres a link to video lessons for what each Letter of Light means. If you dont use Logos, youre about to see why I do. However How many words are in the King James Bible? Follow these pointers for keeping your writing organized and effective. That's the number of completeness and spiritual This opened up a new Word List, which looked like this: Then I added the words from a single book of the Bible. AND - 28364 THE - 28269 OF - 21257 THAT - 12044 TO - 11683 IN - 11285 HE - 9022 Consider it a gift from one Bible nerd to another. New video quick-tip: searching non-Bible content, SwordSearcher 9.0 Hotfix 1 update available, Quick tip: Clone panel from the Topic Guide, SwordSearcher 9 Released with Dark Mode and more, SwordSeacher 8.4 Released with new Quick Concordance Tool and more, SwordSearcher 8.3 Released with Enhanced Audio Bible Support. the page and slaps you in the face and makes you say wow! I had created a list similar to this, for the New Testament books. In SwordSearcher, its easy to get detailed statistics from a search, and combining this with word form searches can make it even more interesting. What else would you expect in the center of God's Holy Bible? Praise be our Aba for we KNOW his GLORY! They were taught there were the text. have: Can Modern man divided the Torah into 5 books. Heres where it got time-consuming: I built one Logos Word List like this for every single book of the Bible. According to our table of data above, there are 609,269 words in the Old Testament and 179,011 words in the New Testament, making a total of 788,280 words. Anyway, I hope to someday perhaps put the bible in an MS Access database. The New International Bible and the English Standard Bible are modern versions that, according to a few sources, have removed verses and words found in the King James Bible. That stupid blank piece of paper in YOUR BIBLE separating the Old from the New. Of course, thats just looking up the English word. The truth is always better Hit the button below to get a copy of the file for yourself. Therefore, agapao is probably more volitional. Is this the number of total words or unique words? However, another source, Bible Believers, states that the 1611 King James Bible has a word count of 788,280 words. Bless his Verse Concepts. And if you compare the number of words in Harry Potter to other Bible versions, you get similar results. What else would you expect in the center of God's Holy Bible? In the Beginning WAS the WORD and the WORD was WITH G-d and the WORD was G-D! Shamyim is not heaven UP in the sky Shamyim is the divided waters of the Word of G-d. What a cool idea! Chapters in the New Testament, Total A well worn path is not what you should be seeking. Chart shows the most common words used in the Bible, their quantity and ranking by order of frequency. the King James Bible has. Each Letter of Light has something to tell us, a story all its own. Thanks for answering back. there are. in some of the Psalms), Total This book outlines words used in a matrix which have the statistical probability of occurring randomly about 1 chance in 9 trillion! Old Testament, The New Testament), Total Another source states that the New American Standard Bible has 807,36110 words. Verse 1 continues - and all that is within me, bless his as follows: It is better Give, and it will be given to you. Zerubbabel was the leader of the tribe of Judah and part of the first Jewish captives. Remember, he escorted YHShua (Jesus) to the midnight trial. This article is Copyrighted including the Hebrew Alphabet in Psalm 119 or the superscriptions listed The King James Bible is the oldest version of the text, and as changes occurred in subsequent editions it is no wonder that sources report different word counts. Why Muslims are poor, ignorant and extremist. This has many on the KJV. . Who Was Herod? God bless. Here's the problem. Open another pane with the Hebrew Bible. These (By the way, if you want to know what I think of Logos . On top of all You could be one of the 144000 points of Light that travels around and around with the WORD. Need a topic for your upcoming argumentative essay? Avram (Abraham) was missing the dot which makes the Bet Letter say sharp V sound. In the Word Count dialog box: The Word Count dialog box includes the Include . power. right in the center of it. ), The Find out more, Bible English King James Version. Thank you so much. The Last Dialogue| 2023 All Rights Reserved | Designed & Developed by|, ALL ANALYSIS OF BIBLE DATA IS AS PER KING JAMES VERSION, PLEASE TOUCH THE BARS TO SEE THE INFORMATION, The Graph Below Shows The Usage of English Alphabets In The Construction Of Bible. Each Letter stands separately but when two or more are gather there the WORD is. there were 31,175 verses the middle verse would not be Psalm 118:8. of the King James Bible. You can check out the Web versions, or just download the spreadsheet and play with the numbersall you want: You can click on any book of the Bible to read an overview of what its about. Click Add (A) on the Word List. .) The Old Testament has 39 and the New Testament has 27. Cant learn what you cant SEE and FEEL spiritually. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.". I needed word counts for every book of the Bible, so the first thing I had to do was choose the text Id be drawing from. all thy name. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: John 10:27. You can view the number of pages, paragraphs, and lines in your document, as well as the number of characters, either including or excluding spaces. (C) Press the Enter key to generate the list. But I wanted all the words of the Bible in a spreadsheet, so I had to take it a step further. Regardless of the version, it's safe to say the Bible is usually longer than most commercial novels. Isnt wonderful how so many of us find each other. Just the fact that there are different amounts of words in the modern versions should make one suspicious of their content. to the 1769 edition of the 1611 King James Bible: All word counts are the work The Jewish counting is said to be given to Moses from G-d the Holy counting! In order you to count the words in this middle verse. Longest book of the New Testament is Luke with 24 Chapters and 1,151 verses. Once Next we learn which verses have the fewest matches, and which have the most (in this case, Galatians 2:16 has a form of the word Justify three times): Following this we have a series of graphs giving us specific percentages and a visual representation. It reads as follows: The trees of the LORD are full A patch cannot be sewed onto a prayer shawl. However But remember translations will always change the COUNT so dont count on the number, count on the WORD and His Letters. Make or made Statistics is mentioned in the Bible 13 times and in the Quran seven times. ; When you select the box, the Statistics box (mentioned above) will open and list pages, words . The prayer shawl needs to have ALL the FOUR corner, healing fring/tzitizit removed, the prayer shawl shorten to remove the damage, and THEN new patches to hold the OLD healing Tzitzit can be made and sewed on the OLD prayer shawl. Word Count and Reading Stats for the Old Testament Well, it's that time of year again: that time when a lot of us commit to reading the entire Bible. That left me with 66 Logos Word Lists, each giving me every original-language word in a given book of the Bible. The love of agapao can be commanded, for it consists in recognizing the value and worth in others. of verse there would have to be 31,935 verses in the King James Bible, which The word "and" occurs 46,277 times; the word "Lord" 1,855 times. LESS the LORD, O my soul: and So These were not counted because ), * The the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. First Templedestroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC. Basically, I cut and paste an entire book into Microsoft Word, then used the word count feature. Aba Aleph Bet. Books in the New Testament, Total Torah Hebrew A Word, two our more Letters of Light gathered together, can change with Letters being added, replaced or omitted. book of Psalms has superscriptions under some of the Psalms (chapters.) The Bible is the holy scripture of the Christian religion, purporting to tell the history of the Earth from its earliest creation to the spread of Christianity in the first century A.D. Contact us. Therefore I believe these word counts Two birds one stone, I figure. They ate on the sand because Torah is not yet firmed up. power. Get in touch with us now. The table below gives some word counts for four popular versions of the Bible. Second Temple Construction was authorized by Cyrus the Great and began in 538 BCE completed in 23 years in 515BC. Oh I do love my Aba and HIs seed of two Letters that became His sovereignty. have you done a study on the percentage of torah words represented in the 1st 6 chapters of genesis, This is awesome and done by Torah scholar editing team with Wiki English,, 153 fish they caught in their net Noah is 152 verses go here to read more of my found bread His house has many rooms, each word is a room with Letters as guests. Another area where each version of the Bible varies considerably is in how many words per page. Once . This is why the Christ said Moses spoke of me. If you're a Bible geek like me, you might want to check it out. Ever beginning of a NEW idea begins with a Vav or what in English would be the word AND ironic that the new is connected to whats to come after it. In SwordSearcher, it's easy to get detailed statistics from a search, and combining this with word form searches can make it even more interesting. A survey from 2021 found that 11 percent of Americans read the Bible daily. Whatever you have heard or think you know about Kabalah its probably been twisted and corrupted knowing. There are 5,888 or 5,845 verses in the Torah. These Words are distributed as 602,580 (77%) in Old Testament and 180,551(23%) in New Testament Books. Reckoning; the act of numbering; as, this is the number according to my count. Run! The Christ also said before you can rise up, you first must DESCEND. There are twenty-eight. of sap; the cedars of Lebanon, which he hath planted; - hey nothing very astounding there that jumps off coming from the two center verses of the Book. Book Titles, the Testament dividers plus the phrase Table of Contents) were counted because they are scattered throughout this Psalm (Chapter.). words on one side of this phrase and twelve words on the other side. The Word and then the Flesh and Blood or what many wrongfully call the Old T and the New T there Aba dwells. I compare the Koran and Bible to show that it is more difficult to Memorize the Bible because of the sheer volume of words. This is why it is tricky to read your daily portion of bread every day. Curious about the percentage of words. The average of Words per verse in OT is 27.6 and in NT its 22.2.. For the longest word in Bible there are two candidates with 18 letters each; one is Jonathelemrechokim in Psalm 56 and 2nd is Mahershalalhashbaz in Isaiah 8:1 and 8:3. For bears with very little brains (but a fascination with numbers!) The Torah began as a series of ANDs. You will have to first learn each Letter of Light before I can explain it so that it will made sense. Sari also received the HEY Letter of Light. Wait There Were How Many Herods?! If it is alright, I will pass on this information to our homeschool co-op. This means that in the end, each word will be a (word, int) value, where int is the number of times that word was seen in the map phase. Receive our messages by Email they are not in the verses. and they read "the Lord". doubled-checked his counts with a manual count in 10 of the 66 Books I have an old Strongs Hebrew, Greek concordance I am always looking up everything. I did carefully read your other page on this fascinating topic, but didnt completely understand it, hence my question. holy name.) For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. Wondering.Matthew 26 27 Just reading this am and wondering how much of His gospel does he give to the passion of Christ. The longest name is in the 8th chapter of Isaiah. These cookies do not store any personal information. You will find that is wonderful and care about the other nations and the stranger in their land. Bereishit (Genesis) 12 Sidrot 50 Chapters 1,534 Verses Shmot (Exodus) 11 Sidrot 40 Chapter 1,209 Verses Vayikra (Leviticus) 10 Sidrot 27 Chapters 859 Verses Bamidbar (Numbers) 10 Sidrot 36 Chapters Here Another 28% say the Bible is the inspired word of God but should . 2 gram of silver. and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above of the 5th Century. From here on out, its just doing the math. All rights reserved. many as in the imaginary middle we discussed earlier. I may add this link it to my page Apocrypha: 152,185 words. English Standard Version (ESV): 757,439 words. There are some variations between versions with included/excluded text and verses, however, for the purpose of establishing the relative lengths of each book, these counts are very helpful. When it first entered English in the 1300s, it was used as a title for God in the book of Revelation. you wish to use this article in a profit making capacity then permission the King James Bible has the words "the Lord" It is Showing Only The. He holy name right in the center of the two middle verses! It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Kabal is nothing more than the 4th layer or spiritual layer of torah (instruction of the WORD of G-d). Zerubbabel was the leader of the tribe of Judah and part of the first Jewish captives. This phrase also has exactly twice To count the number of words in both your PowerPoint presentation's slides and its notes page, do the following: On the File tab, click Info. the King James Bible has the words ", ; - hey nothing very astounding there that jumps off for Psalm 118:8 (the 15,968th verse in the KJB) to be the middle Count words and characters, correct spelling and grammar, and check keyword density. Bible has a total number of 783,131 Words. Middle book of the Old Testament is Proverbs and of New Testament is 2 Thessalonians. We could print flash cards, see which words occur most, and more. In SwordSearcher, it's easy to get detailed statistics from a search, and combining this with word form searches can make it even more interesting. Verse 2 concludes Jump to specific words, verses, or chapters by number, and see all possible count statistics of phrases within the text. holy name. Welcome Concordance of SBLGNT (Greek New Testament) can show count of Greek Words in Bible Text (1,098), which matches count of Greek Lemma in Bible Text (1,098) Grouping Lemma results by sense shows some Lemma's have a variety of Bible Sense uses (e.g. Wiki weekly Torah portions (parsha) to compliment this sights light. Miscellaneous Resources, Copyright 2023 The Holy Word Church of God.

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