old marlburian deaths

Zoom guide. The family spent his 90th birthday with a bonfire there. He went to Summerfield House. His Indian soldiers, who were mainly Hindu, were about as far away from home in Madras and as far inside the newly created Pakistan as was possible. Imogen Craddock (PR 1971-73) was born in Tabora, Tanzania (then Tanganyika), in 1955 where her father was a surgeon working for the British Government. His Swiss wife, Paulette, survives him. John is survived by his children, 14 grandchildren and a great-grandchild. In August 1942, just before sailing with 1st Survey Regiment, he proposed to Biddy Williams and was accepted. He was Director of a theatre company called Forkbeard Fantasy that was started by 2 University friends, Chris and Tim Britton. She loved Jersey. He was the son of John Mitchell, who worked with the Indian Civil Service, and his wife Sheila who had served as a Voluntary Aid Detachment nurse in the Great War and been rescued from the hospital ship Britannic when it was sunk by the enemy in the Aegean Sea in November 1916. The Headmaster was Basil Garnons-Williams, a former housemaster of C1, also on the staff was Reggie Fair (B1), Master i/c Cricket. Pat Reeves, born November 28 1967, died January 10 2014.A full obituary is available to read right here courtesy of The Telegraph. Professor Fritz Ursell FRS, who died in May 2012 aged 89, came to England as a refugee from Nazi Germany and was educated at Clifton and, when war required him to be moved at least 50 miles from the coast, Marlborough for two terms. It was the worst of times for the return to Moscow of a loyal, gentle man who, as cultural attach 20 years earlier, had sought ways to improve understanding between Britain and the Soviet Union. Aged 14, they were so alike that when Mr Coggin was doling out pocket money in A house, he would say dont tell me, just turn sideways. He had firm views on the correct procedures for washing up, and etiquette in general. He sang in choirs at Marlborough and beyond, played the piano and occasionally the organ and was fascinated by the link between music and mathematics. In 2003 Roger and Audrey moved to Skinners Cottage in Bovingdon and continued to be part of village life. He then spent the next eight years writing the history of the Ulster Defence Regiment Testimony to Courage published in September 2001. John Hunt (C2 1924-28). Michael Barnes-Gorell (LI 1939-43) died on 22nd August. He chronicled how paintings, silks, manuscripts, bronzes and coins lying buried in monasteries and temples beneath the sands were excavated and removed by the ton by camel and ox-cart, to be scattered among European museums. A few examples:Martin and Dennis were driving a group of pupils up to Twickenham, each in his own car. As an Air Observation Pilot, he was a prime target for the enemy, who did all that they could to shoot him down; the survival rate of airmen like him was poor. SIR Eric Yarrow Bt MBE (CO 1934-39), Past President of the Marlburian Club, father of Norman (CO 1973-78), Peter (CO 1973-78) and David (CO 1979-83) and the late Richard (CO 1966-71), died on the 22nd September aged 98. Flogging continued but father would have missed the pinko politics. We barristers can be a gossipy bunch, sometimes too eager to make a critical comment about another; my experience over Geoffreys 43 years in the law is that no one ever had an uncomplimentary thing to say about him.Geoffrey had his struggles. He chose David, who went on to become the second professor in the department.It was at the LSE that he began his lifelong interest in housing, cities and town planning. Carr commanded a battery of 96th Parachute Field Battery RA from 1956 to 1958 and then 41st Light Parachute Light Battery RA. In 1965 he was promoted to brigadier and posted to Western Command as Commander Royal Artillery Lancashire and Cheshire Division in North-West District. The Marlburian Club staff were particularly saddened to hear of Martin's death as he regularly sent in an entry for the Club Magazine crossword competition and 2012 was no exception. He was to stay there only two years, far too short a time to make a firm mark but the Brooke Turners enjoyed their time in Helsinki and made lasting friendships, before he was appointed to the Great Britain-East Europe Centre (later the British Association for Central and Eastern Europe), a quango largely financed by the FCO and devoted to improving relations with Central and Eastern Europe. He inspired a huge number of people through his example, his transparent integrity and his optimism. He also enjoyed having a bonfire and a lot of garden and household rubbish disappeared. In the early stages of his career, Edmund had a fairly general legal practice, but he soon began to focus almost exclusively on criminal law. He walked miles for charity completing his last walk at the age of 82 accompanied by some of his grandchildren. Martin owed something to his mother for her judgement in selecting as her lodger, Anna, who attracted particular attention from Martin. Shaw was self-taught in subjects he chose or which were imposed upon him, ranging from Romanesque sculpture, to Thomas Brassey's railway contracting. For this he was specially commended. From here he won a Foundation Scholarship to Marlborough College where he studied from 1943 until 1948. The military liked immaculate and disciplined men like my father but he was due to meet a completely different collection of individuals. Graham Brown (B3 1949 - 53) has sadly died. He briefly worked with British Aerospace as marketing executive in Europe, visiting many countries and setting up contracts particularly in Switzerland and NATO.Later, with major heart problems, Shaw turned to business rescue and was successful in 34 cases, the largest in size, but not of difficulty, of which was Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners. Golf was a passion throughout his life, being a native St Andrean. As Martin said at one of the well-attended reunion dinners, it was the year, when the team arrived unbeaten at the last match, and by the final whistle, the Sherborne coach had already walked out and Marlborough ended the season unbeaten and with not one try scored against them. At this time, in the mid-1960s, the housing being built by local authorities often included tower blocks, the defects of which for family homes were already becoming apparent. Henry John Furniss Potter, always known as John, has died aged 93 on 17 February 2019 at the Somme Nursing Home in Belfast.He was born in Ilkley, Yorkshire, on 4 July 1925, following his father, uncles and older brother, David, into C1.Following Marlborough, John enlisted, aged 18, in the Royal Artillery in Belfast in 1943 on a University Short Course at Queens University, Belfast. To the outsider the term Second might carry implications of lesser importance or easier requirements. He was a Deanery Treasurer and was secretary of a local charity. Mary Bless, who died in 1972, with whom he had four children, Anna; and Elizabeth (Biz), with whom he was idyllically happy in his later years. Unable to risk moving his vehicles, he borrowed a bike from a nearby inn and cycled into the town to establish that the enemy had indeed left. He possessed a fine alto voice and was a most accomplished keyboard player. He became the Secretary to the Birmingham Diocesan Board of Finance, and was elected a lay member of the General Synod of the Church of England until his retirement in 1983. You can read his full obituary on The Guardian website and The Oxford Times. He would be eyeing up the deep midwicket boundary from the first ball that he received. Their B & B booking service was unrivalled and sadly discontinued when the County closed the TIC. In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, he was just as critical of policies in Brussels, Frankfurt and Berlin as he was of the eurosceptic tide in London.Obituary by Jagjit Chadha (The Guardian). Bo also became involved with disability swimming (her first child being disabled). Such was his impact that late in 1965 he took over the training licence at the age of 26 when Smyth moved on to Lewes. He later became Secretary to IAPS, where he had a distinguished tenure. It was spotted by Neville Dent, who took him on as a general factotum. Sadly his last few years were marred by the onset and progress of Parkinsons Disease. His coffin was made by one of his sons from larches he planted on the farm 40 years ago, and painted with his lifes story by the whole family. Sat 09 Oct 21. Loving music from an early age he first auditioned for the choir of Kings College in 1930 but, on this occasion, was sadly unsuccessful. lucinda cowden family. Neave Brown at home in Fleet Road, Camden, in 2015. Retiring from Swindon might have been an opportunity to cut back. David continued his passionate local involvement in Glasgow and in his beloved island of Easdale communally run, as was his ideal.Kay died in 2009; he is survived by four children from his first marriage and a stepdaughter. On another occasion, when tasked to drop a 4,000 lb bomb on Wrzburg (where Bayons father had attended university), they found the city obscured by cloud. Agnes' Dog - Died of old age off-screen. Patrick Guy Houghton (C3 1960-64)MA MB BChir (Cantab. He was always enthusiastic and loved mathematical puzzles. If desired, donations to the Alzheimer's Society. On 10th August 1952 he was commissioned into the Royal Marines.Whilst in the Corps he qualified as a Swimmer Canoeist in 1953 and served with the Special Boat Squadron until 1956 when he qualified as a Physical Training and Sports Officer. He worked closely with the International Whaling Commission on conserving whaling stock and with the Soviet authorities on quota agreements in the 1960s. Johns sudden, and untimely, death means a huge loss to his many friends from the College, the town and to ex-pupils far and wide. 749 members of the Marlborough community - pupils, beaks and staff - lost their lives in the Great War, 1914-1918. Guys focus on evidence-based medicine and quality of care meant that he was involved with medical audit from the late 1980s. His residence was deemed the most suitable for Her Majesty to stay in. Martin quickly established himself as a thoughtful, innovative teacher of physics, and role model, always incredibly modest, and the most approachable of mentors; held in high esteem by students and colleague alike. Mr Vee King Shaw, (CO 1958-1963), passed away peacefully in Singapore aged 73 on 13 July 2017. What is the demography, economics and politics of it? Janets sensitive playing, humour, quick wit and demon crossword and Sudoku solving were an essential part of the group. Bear in mind that these courses were ones where the group had to study pieces in advance and then be tutored by world famous ensembles. When his uncle, Captain Rafe Grenville Rowley-Conwy, died in April 1951 he inherited the Bodrhyddan estate in Rhuddlan and then inherited the Langford barony as the ninth holder of the title when his second cousin once removed, Arthur Sholto Langford Rowley, died in August 1953. Posted by: Category: Sem categoria . He was a leading arts and leisure administrator who was head of arts and recreation for Swindon (later Thamesdown) Borough Council for 22 years. He was based in London, staying with his newly wed brother when a charming young lady came to visit. He was theco-founder and memberof Jamiroquai and later became a hugely well respected music producer and manager of the band The Hoosiers. Dr David Pratt (C3 1938-42), soldier, engineer and adventurer, died on 13th March 2019, aged 94. According to the latest data ( here ), 1,985 U.S. deaths of individuals who died after receiving at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccines have been reported to VAERS. The best we can do is the statue of Doctor Johnsons cat Hodge in Gough square. He chose to answer the call-up to the ministry, and after ordination, became curate at St Pauls Portman Square, a large and very busy parish just off the Marylebone Road in London. His grandson did the same at the same age but luckily did not make the wiltshire News. For general enquiries, please email the Development Office or call on 01672 892385. conservation international ceo; little debbie peanut butter creme pies discontinued. The name of Peter Hopkirk will long be associated with the Great Game, the cloak-and-dagger struggle between Britain and Russia for control over swathes of central Asia that raged through the 19th century.The vast and sparsely populated regions stretching from the southern reaches of Russia to the northwest frontier of India had fascinated him since he read Rudyard Kiplings Kim as a boy. He also played a sporting role, refereeing football and coaching tennis. Much later, he received recognition from the French Government for his role, and was made a Chevalier of the Legion dHonneur at a ceremony in Edinburgh in 2016.By late September 1944, he and his troop were reconnoitring in the Netherlands when they were ordered to halt as any vehicle movements would be attacked by the RAF. He was certainly a larger than life character and thrived as a member of B3 with the remarkable Jake Seamer as Housemaster. Diana said she was off to a place called Baden Baden. Old West; Victorian Bystanders; Plains Wars; 20th Century WW1 The Great War; World War II; 20mm World War II; 20mm Arab / Israeli Wars ; . The landscapes he observed in Korea (and in Japan when on leave) were to prove a powerful influence on his painting in subsequent years.After national service Richard taught art at Saxmundham secondary school in Suffolk for nine years. In 1999 she published a book, Ceramics for the Home. He served as Radio Officer on HMT Nevasa (troopship sailing between Southampton and Hong Kong).In 1958 he joined GCHQ as Radio Officer and after training at Bletchley Park served at Shaftesbury, St Erth, Cornwall, Taunton, Bude and Cheltenham before retiring in 1985 as Senior Station Radio Officer.Roger was highly inventive, filing a patent for a fully automatic morse code generator in the 50s, and designing and riding his own wooden surfboard before such things were in widespread use in this country. From there, in 1949, he moved to Camberley and the Staff College before joining the Ministry of Supply where he dealt with fire control instruments. For further information please visit www.joebain.org.uk. With the Cold War at its height, journalism appeared the best option. We embraced the challenging, hilly sessions out to Fifield, Four Mile Clump and even Barbary Castle. Neil attended Marlborough College where he developed his interest in railways from an early age. Amongst the long distance runners, famously individualists ('lonely'! Deaths Obituaries OM Obituaries Helen Thornton-Mutiso (TU 1982-84) 07 May 2019 Helen was born in Devon England to Geoffrey and Fay Thornton. He held various posts in the Scottish Office in Edinburgh and London. David's daughter, Rachel, also wrote to us and added; "My father David V. Donnison attended Marlborough College during the war and signed up for a lifetime subscription for the magazine when at Oxford University in the late 1940's. He served his constituents for 18 years and always fought hard for them. His great project in retirement was a history of his family stretching from the 12th century until the millennium, including three generations of Marlburians, a volume of some 900 pages, which on completion encompassed his love and understanding of history, his deep understanding of people, and his gentle humour. The President, Steven Bishop, represented The Marlburian Club. In 1944 he married Dorothy, only child of a famously eccentric Cambridge Classics don. There were complaints from visiting players that Geoffrey was able to combine his considerable tennis skills with his knowledge of the eccentric shape of the court and the location of various dandelions that altered the balls bounce, all to devastating effect.And he was a world champion in Sticke tennis, a type of Real tennis. Tim Osborn Jones (B1 1959-63) died Oct 2021. Here too she took on the role of Section Leader, maintaining it until 2013 and writing scholarly programme notes. The snobs in the 1950s terrified me because unlike my father I stood out. He had some wild friends in the army who continued to be wild when I knew them in my teens and early twenties at the dinner table and would not have gone down well with my grandparents. Douglas Neil Cross (LI 1945-49) died on the 18th September 2012. Duties included patrolling the streets at night accompanied by two henchmen, known as Bulldogs, to apprehend students bent on misconduct. Funeral service to be held at Great St Mary's, Sawbridgeworth, on Monday 24th September, at noon. They already had two young sons; Peter who is a professor of archaeology at Durham University; John who is a trader based in London; and they went on to have a third; Owain, who is the successor to the barony and the manager of the family estate in Wales. His long-standing interest in church history and architecture, together with his calling as a Lay Reader from 1987, led to him becoming Chairman of the Bath & Wells Diocesan Advisory Committee for the Care of Churches for seventeen years, helping churches to repair and reorder their buildings. JOHN Gordon (B3 1954-58) has died aged 77 was the UKs permanent delegate to Unesco from 1983 to 1985, and remained deeply committed to its principles of peace, security and sustainability throughout his life.His time there proved to be a turbulent one, during which the US government withdrew from Unesco and the UK threatened to follow suit, eventually doing so on 5 December 1985. There were no doors on the lavatories. "We canvassed every house," remembers Cambridge City Councilor Donald Douglas. It includes Regiment and Rank details for those who served in the Great War, plus school attendance and business details. Updated: Mar 3, 2023 / 08:01 AM CST. He attended prep school in Haywards Heath and gained a scholarship to Marlborough College alongside three of his four brothers. Peter said he was going too. He achieved a scholarship to Peterhouse College Cambridge to read history where, in addition to his degree, he rowed and boxed for the College. His well-known love of horseracing, particularly National Hunt steeple chasing, must have come from his Irish mother and grandmother. The magazine text is fully recyclable. These were the last days of the Soviet hawks. In March the next year Eagless guns were redeployed to Kent, where they helped to defend London from the onslaught of Hitlers V1 and V2 rockets his tally of flying bombs was 122. Having a degree in engineering he started work in a large East End brewery, Charringtons, later moving to Guinness at Park Royal. There was the annual ritual of trying to find the metal court markers at the start of each summer, they having somehow buried themselves over the winter; once the markers were unearthed the lines were marked out, never completely straight but eventually a sort of rhomboid shaped playing area was arrived at. He edited a celebratory book, Nature in Norfolk, a Heritage in Trust, for the Queens Golden Jubilee in 1976, and was named Honorary Vice-President in 1977. The son of The Reverend George Trevor, he was born at Madras in British India.He was educated in England at Marlborough College, where he played for the college cricket eleven, featuring in their first match against Rugby School in 1855. In 1973, John transferred to the bar. He was lord mayor from 1982-83, whilst continuing to work daily at Pressed Steel. The business survived many setbacks not least when Reeves absent-mindedly left a whole weeks takings on the back seat of a London cab and has continued to thrive. The First World War Archive. and later Guernsey A.S.C. In 2002, he was made an Honorary Fellow of the Singapore Academy of Medicine and in 2004 he was awarded Singapores Public Service Star for his numerous contributions. Instead of a high building surrounded by empty space, a low carpet of buildings filled the site. He started with 50 horses in his yard and saw the number increase to 200. Immediately posted to India - the fourth generation of his family to serve there - John arrived by troopship at Bombay (now Mumbai) on Victory-in-Europe (VE) Day on 8 May 1945. He was also House Master of Elmhurst (then a Junior House) from 1981-88. Martin had been very successful at Whitgift (key member of the XV, Capt of Cricket, champion gymnast) and at Oxford on the games field and Fives Court. Jeremys compositions were mostly short pieces for a few instruments, full of novelty and wit. His elder brother, Peter (Lord Brooke of Sutton Mandeville), was the Northern Ireland secretary of state credited with initiating the peace process.His education was traditionally privileged: he attended Marlborough school, and after two years national service with the Royal Engineers in the Middle East, went to Balliol College, Oxford, where he studied classical literature, ancient history and philosophy. Many people were shocked to see such a vital man somewhat depleted and in a wheel chair. If an organ existed it was usually locked. He is always well prepared and extremely studious. He particularly liked to watch the wristy Indian batsmen, though there was not much sign of their influence on his own technique when he batted. His three children Paul, Christopher and Rachel all attended the College. Hunt was not the only Marlburian on the expedition. To the end she refused almost all assistance; a friend recalls that: At her very last concert in 2015 she let me carry her violin, but that was the only help that she ever accepted, another example of the courage and determination, which were such hall marks of her life. Jumbo Jennings was delighted in my time to be caught by my father reading Ovid in the back of his car at Devizes Station. Angus has had an abundance of singing and music, church life, country life, tending his garden, walking his dog, giving parties, helping people, and in later years having people help him with walking his dog, supporting him with the care of his beloved wife, helping him with appointments and lifts when needed, and a hundred other ways people helped him maintain his independence to the end. In 2010 he moved to Monaco as a director responsible for the family office Kewson Holdings, investing primarily in global equities, currencies, derivatives and some private equity.Outside of work Hinson was an avid global traveller with an extremely active lifestyle. The signalman kindly showed him around, with Neil showing a great interest and taking it all in. She was raised at Munstead House, in Surrey, which had been built for her great-grandfather Sir Herbert Jekyll and his sister, Gertrude Jekyll, who had honed her garden design skills in its grounds. Later on he also attended INSEAD for an MBA in 2000-2001.Switching from the law to stockbroking, his first employment was at Hoare Govett 1988-1990 in London. On returning they []. Antony Laurence Easterbrook was born in Torquay on 20th March 1929 and was educated at Marlborough College where he was captain of both the athletics and rugby teams. As a member of the Armed forces they were posted variously to Dover, Singapore, Beaconsfield, Hongkong and Taunton. He was appointed OBE in 1986 for services to the community. Her approach was one of the attentive listener, and precise interpreter. Apply to join. You can read his full obituary in The Times(you will need to be a subscriber to read it). He even spent four seasons on a whaling ship in the seas of South Georgia in his early years at the firm. Neil loved history and liked politics, geography, maps, reading, music and travel. They had had enough and bought a farm in Devon called Coltsfoot in the time of the depression in agriculture. He attended North House Preparatory School, Bognor Regis 1935-1940 and Marlborough College (1940-1944). He reflected on the deep- seated issues involved in The Politics of Poverty (1982).In 1980 he moved to Glasgow University to become professor of town and regional planning, having separated from his first wife, Jean (nee Kidger), the previous year. He was the youngest of three children born to Captain Charles Reid Peploe and his wife Catherine Mary MacFie in The Brookside, Bedhampton, in Hampshire, and he grew up alongside his brother David Claud who was sadly killed in the Second World War, and his [], John L. Wilkinson (LI 1954-58) passed away on 14th October 2022, after a courageous struggle with complications following a stroke. His father was stationed in Southern Africa during the Second World War and Evelyn sailed in August 1940 to join him. Carr needed all his patience and tact in the negotiations to decide what could be saved and what had to go. Just up his street.He was also a registered scrap dealer; probably the only person to have the two titles of Circuit Judge and registered scrap dealer simultaneously.He loved mid-Devon. Life-long friend, and head of house Nicholas Roskill, recalls that he was a good sportsman, particularly good in swimming perhaps due to having had the advantage of a pool at home in India. The two men were awarded the DFC, both having been previously mentioned in despatches for their skill and courage. A solo sailor in his junk-rigged boat, Sulaire, he went where the wind took him. They established a home in Bracondale, Norwich, where they hosted many guests and friendsincluding Rogers children and grandchildren from around the world. SCHAUMBURG, Ill. A woman was discovered stabbed to death on Wednesday night in Schaumburg and the incident is now being investigated as a homicide. He kept a lively interest in the regiment and in technical matters, reading the New Scientist from its first publication right up to his death.Brigadier Fraser Scott (9th September 1919 - 6th July 2015)He gave his body for medical science. Bored, he was accepted by PA Management Consultants, where he was put in charge of integrating two large London printing works on his first day. He and his wife, Stella (ne Portas), whopre-deceased him (7 September 2005),moved to Salisburyfrom Doncaster in1981, the year of his retirement. He was then posted to the Imperial Defence College as one of the instructing staff. One friend writes: We met first at Madingley, a course run by the Alberni quartet and, although we lived far apart, kept playing together, and going on courses, until last year. However, when Geoffrey approached Martin at the start of term and asked Martin, can you help me with something? he was met with the retort No, and you call me Mercer here.Geoffrey went on to win a scholarship to Marlborough. Stanhope painted six stories from the Old Testament and six from the New Testament, all panels in tempera of approximately 531/8 x 681/2 inches (135 x 174 cm). Son of the Rector of Birmingham,educated at The Downs School and Marlborough College,he served in the Lincolnshire Regiment andwas Education Officer in Palestinebefore going up to Jesus College, Cambridge in 1947. Professor Colin Prentice, born December 13 1934, died February 1 2014.Click here for the full obituary on The Telegraph website. anthony coaxum football coach; overflow shelter wichita, ks; what does the green leaf mean on parkrun results On 1st July 1960, in Madison Square Gardens, due to a faulty piece of equipment, Captain Easterbrook fatally fell whilst making his breath-taking descent.As a true sportsman and Commando leader, he was a splendid example to the Royal Marines and it is for this reason that this Sports Pavilion is dedicated to his memory. Balme was also instrumental in changing Classical teaching methods: in the 1960s he was a major contributor to the Cambridge Latin Course, while he also created the beginners Greek course, Athenaze (To Athens) - a grammatically based reading course published by OUP with a diverting narrative set in the fifth century BC. Then on to other homes in mid-Devon where he and Jill created beautiful houses and gardens. Marilyn - known to many as Bo, was born in Trowbridge, about two miles from where we are now, on the 11th June 1939 - one of a twin and the youngest of six girls. 19/01/2023. He used his understanding of ammunition to argue for a tripling of the budget.Then he enjoyed being Assistant Director (Weapons) at the Inspectorate of Armaments then based in the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich with outstations at RSAF Enfield and at FN in Herstal, Belgium. He was also in the Officers Training Corps before serving as a sergeant in the Home Guard. See Telegraph obituary. Although he did not travel in recent years he maintained contact with abroad through an internet advisory service via Bulgaria. Hugh George Lyon Playfair, OBE 1935 - 2017. You can read his obituary on The Guardian Website and a wonderful tribute from his son in The Racing Post. for many years with County swimming and various committees. He loved good food and experienced the best cuisine wherever he was in the world, and the cheaper the better. As he crossed the Arctic Circle for the first time, the captain asked him for a noon sun-sight. This fearless action won him the Military Cross. He went up to Oxford, where he befriended Christopher French another shy studious man, who at that time remained below the radar. He obtained what was then a big grant from the Joseph Rowntree Trust to study the impact of the 1957 Rent Act which had given unscrupulous landlords such as Peter Rachman the incentive to terrify and expel tenants who had enjoyed controlled rents.He worked as a consultant for the UN Economic Commission for Europe, surveying housing policies.

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