which of the following describes situational communication competence

So you may decode a touch from a supervisor differently from the touch of an acquaintance. If we decide to engage in deception, we then have to compose a fabrication or execute some other manipulation strategy that we think is believable. During my years as a restaurant server I got pretty good at knowing what tables to engage with and schmooze a little more to get a better tip. Pike (1982), notes that [l]anguage is not merely a set of unrelated sounds, clauses, rules, and meanings; it is a total coherent system of these integrating with each other, and with behavior, context, universe of discourse, and observer perspective (p. 44). Listeners are expected to make more eye contact with the speaker than the speaker makes with them, so its important to listen with your eyes by maintaining eye contact, which signals attentiveness. Figure 2.6 Strategies for using bilingual books in the classroom. Robert N. Bostrom (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1984), 259. A large study found that people were better able to detect deception by sound alone than they were when exposed to both auditory and visual cues (Andersen, 1999). Vocal variety increases listener and speaker engagement, understanding, information recall, and motivation. Mark L. Knapp and Kerry J. Daly (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2002): 33973. 2023 Loyola University Chicago False. English learners engage in oral communication in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes and audiences in a wide array of social, cultural, and academic contexts. Various communication behaviors can signal that we are communicating mindfully. texts still containing a considerable number of unconventional features. Furthermore, 70 percent of college students experience some trait CA, which means that addressing communication anxiety in a class like the one youre taking now stands to benefit the majority of students (Priem & Solomon, 2009). Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like It is accurate to say that Situational Leadership II (SLII) is primarily a. Descriptive b. Prescriptive c. Well supported by research d. Trait related, Which of the following statements best describes Situational Leadership? Quality time is an important part of interpersonal relationships, and sometimes time has to be budgeted so that it can be saved and spent with certain people or on certain occasionslike date nights for couples or family time for parents and children or other relatives. The counterculture's rejection of the social and economic values of their parent's generation c. The persistence of poverty as a national problem despite an overall affluence d. The baby boom. Personal contexts? When I have a problem or complain in a customer service situation, I always make sure to smile at the clerk, manager, or other person before I begin talking to help minimize my own annoyance and set a more positive tone for the interaction. When you reach the stage of unconscious competence, you just communicate successfully without straining to be competent. At universities, deans may have suites, department chairs may have large offices with multiple sitting areas, lower-ranked professors may have cozier offices stuffed with books and file cabinets, and adjunct instructors may have a shared office or desk or no office space at all. a. Ernst-Slavit, G. & Slavit, D. (2007). Using concepts from this section, analyze your own nonverbal encoding competence. Communication departments are typically the only departments that address communication apprehension explicitly, which is important as CA is related to negative academic consequences such as negative attitudes toward school, lower over-all classroom achievement, lower final course grades, and higher college attrition rates (Allen, Hunter, & Donohue, 2009). Language proficiency can be defined as the ability to use language accurately and appropriately in its oral and written forms in a variety of settings (Cloud, Genesee, & Hamayan, 2000). Native language proficiency can also impact how students learn complex material, such as what is typically encountered in content-area classrooms (Ernst-Slavit & Slavit, 2007). It also requires background knowledge, critical thinking and metacognitive skills, as well as understanding and applying cultural nuances, beliefs, and practices in context. can produce clear, smoothly flowing, well-structured texts of differing lengths and degrees of linguistic complexity. Some key components include motivation, self- and other knowledge, and tolerance for uncertainty. Be aware of the physical attractiveness bias, which leads people to sometimes mistakenly equate attractiveness with goodness (Hargie, 2011). ), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Click the card to flip . & Ernst-Slavit, G. Avoid hurtful touches and apologize if they occur, even if accidentally. Which of the following statements best describes the effect that communication has on our physical wellbeing? Identify and employ strategies for improving competence with sending nonverbal messages. Upon completion of the online module, you will be able to: Upon completion of the simulation module, which includes on-line case analyses, you will be able to: Let's begin with an exercise in communicating in a team: Creating a paper chain: divide into groups of 4-5 with each group given 5 sheets of paper, one pair of scissors, and tape. However, when I do mess up, I almost always make a mental note and reflect on it. To be a competent communicator, you should have cognitive knowledge about communication based on observation and instruction; understand that individual, social, and cultural contexts affect competence; and be able to adapt to those various contexts. Which of the following is an example of audience? The classical rhetorician who noted that communication needed to be presented by "a good man speaking well" was. New York: Oxford University Press. Skilled decoders of nonverbal messages are said to have nonverbal sensitivity, which, very similarly to skilled encoders, leads them to have larger social networks, be more popular, and exhibit less social anxiety (Riggio, 1992). As we age, we internalize social and cultural norms related to sending (encoding) and interpreting (decoding) nonverbal communication. The AHRQ created several educational modules to teach TeamSTEPPS. We typically decode people putting their hands in their pocket as a gesture that indicates shyness or discomfort. use selected simple structures correctly but still systematically make basic errors. There are common misconceptions about what behaviors are associated with deception. Our cognitive activity increases when we have to decide whether to engage in deception or not, which often involves some internal debate. Humans have evolved an innate urge to mirror each others nonverbal behavior, and although we arent often aware of it, this urge influences our behavior daily (Pease & Pease, 2004). Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (2006). We all know areas where we could improve our communication, and taking this class will probably expose even more. Antonio, youve been absent for two days. Leakage also occurs because of the increased cognitive demands associated with deception. Most studies reveal that deceivers talk less, especially in response to direct questions (Andersen, 1999). Chapter 1: Introduction to Communication Studies, Chapter 6: Interpersonal Communication Processes, Chapter 7: Communication in Relationships, Chapter 11: Informative and Persuasive Speaking, Chapter 12: Public Speaking in Various Contexts, Chapter 14: Leadership, Roles, and Problem Solving in Groups, Chapter 15: Media, Technology, and Communication, Chapter 6 Interpersonal Communication Processes, Chapter 12 Public Speaking in Various Contexts, Next: Chapter 2: Communication and Perception, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In this sense, the multichannel nature of nonverbal communication creates the potential of both increased credibility and increased ambiguity. What can a health care worker do to ensure that a patient understands medical information? Explain each part of the definition of communication competence. Although we touch others on the arm or shoulder with our hand, it is often too intimate to touch your hand to another persons hand in a professional or social/casual setting. Communicative competence involves more than linguistic or grammatical competence. A mindful communicator actively and fluidly processes information, is sensitive to communication contexts and multiple perspectives, and is able to adapt to novel communication situations (Burgoon, Berger, & Waldron, 2000). Even though we generally fit into certain social and cultural patterns, some people deviate from those norms. The first day I had to stay with my little sister because my cousin got sick and my mom took him to the doctor. Sorry. As he says, Sorry, he raises both of his hands, with his palms facing toward you, and shrugs. When combined with a furrowed brow it generally conveys uncertainty. Native culture is the term often used to refer to the culture acquired first in life by a person or the culture that this individual identifies with as a group member. While Urdu was the home language mentioned in the census and in the childrens school records, in this household there is not one home language but a full range of language practices used fluidly according to the speaker, purpose, and context (Ernst-Slavit, 2018). 1 / 26. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. Conversely, crossing your arms in front of your chest is decoded almost everywhere as a negative gesture that conveys defensiveness. The ability to encode appropriate turn-taking signals can help ensure that we can hold the floor when needed in a conversation or work our way into a conversation smoothly, without inappropriately interrupting someone or otherwise being seen as rude. Some nonverbal scholars and many nonverbal skill trainers have tried to catalog nonverbal communication like we do verbal communication to create dictionary-like guides that people can use to interpret nonverbal signals. occasionally make structural and lexical errors. have occasional difficulty with complex structures and abstract academic concepts. How do I know when Ive misunderstood someone or when someone has misunderstood me? The above example of translanguaging in action depicts a family using their many linguistic resources in their everyday lives. Copyright 2006 by Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL). For example, if you visit an Indian family (from southeast Asia), you might find grandma busy in the kitchen pulling pans out of the oven and reading recipes in Hindi while the kids are playing video games in English. Select if they are true or false. Think of a time when a friend had a baby and you are sharing the news with a mutual friend. Research has also found that students who are more nonverbally expressive are liked more by their teachers and are more likely to have their requests met by their teachers (Mottet et al., 2004). My favorite way to increase my knowledge about nonverbal communication is to engage in people watching. Mom, Dad, and guests may be speaking mostly in English. There are at least three general types of communication goals: 1) Self Presentation Goals (who we are and how we want to be perceived), 2) Relational Goals (how we develop, maintain, and terminate relationships), and Since many gestures are spontaneous or subconscious, it is important to raise your awareness of them and monitor them. The size of a persons territory often speaks to that persons status. Public speaking anxiety is type of CA that produces physiological, cognitive, and behavioral reactions in people when faced with a real or imagined presentation (Bodie, 2010). A) nontraditional media. Try not to focus on something you find unpleasant or pleasant about someones voice; focus on the content rather than the vocal quality. A system used to deliver a message. Cultural variables such as race and nationality also affect competence. Choose effective communication tools and techniques, including information systems and communication technologies, to facilitate discussions and interactions that enhance team function. As the idiosyncratic communicator inches toward his or her conversational partner, the partner may inch back to reestablish the interpersonal distance norm. For example, asking an employee to paraphrase their understanding of the instructions you just gave them shows that you are aware that verbal messages are not always clear, that people do not always listen actively, and that people often do not speak up when they are unsure of instructions for fear of appearing incompetent or embarrassing themselves. Whether or not we achieve our day-to-day communication goals depends on our communication competence. Understanding Culture and Language in Education. Change teams are key individuals within a primary care setting responsible for implementing TeamSTEPPS within that organization. Practice is a speakers best friend. Each one of his English learners was a unique individual with specific strengths and weaknesses in both language and content. ), Views from inside: Languages, cultures, and schooling for K-12 educators, pp. Communication is not only about oral and written language. Roll your eyes when you do not agree. This information is pivotal when planning appropriate instruction for ELLs. In a social situation where one personsay, a supervisorhas more power than anotherfor example, his or her employeethen the supervisor is typically the one who sets the standard for competence. In most cases, we can consciously decide to work on our deficiencies, which may take considerable effort. Do you agree with how this was handled? Most students learning a second language follow a similar route; that is, certain linguistic forms and rules are acquired early, whereas others tend to be acquired late, as illustrated in Figure 2.3. Communication competence has become a focus in higher education over the past couple of decades as educational policy makers and advocates have stressed a back to basics mentality (McCroskey, 1984). When nonverbal cues are ambiguous or contextual clues arent useful in interpreting nonverbal clusters, we may have to look at nonverbal behaviors within specific channels. You know I dont mind sharing things with you, and I would totally let you, you know, if I didnt have this thing to do. There is an intimate relationship among language, culture, identity, and cognition. You would likely be able to offer some descriptors of how a person would look and act from the following categories: a goth person, a prep, a jock, a fashionista, a hipster. Scenario 3. How are these scores helpful? Thats the English departments jobor the ELL teachers jobnot mine! the receiver provides feedback. As students learn a second, third, or fourth language, they move along a continuum of predictable stages. Interpersonal communication will solve all of your problems. Learning to read in a second language may be hindered or enhanced by students levels of literacy in their native languages. Watch this video, which is a fun way to understand the problems with communication: Learn English Click on this link to learn about the TeamSTEPPS communication pillar: TeamSTEPPS Communication Pillar Presentation. Of college students, 15 to 20 percent experience high trait CA, meaning they are generally anxious about communication. [ BACK TO TOP] Ice Breaker Exercise Ice Breaker Exercise Introduction to TeamSTEPPS Introduction to TeamSTEPPS A politician is questioned by a reporter about allegations that she used taxpayer money to fund personal vacations. Which of the following is NOT true of communication in the health care? Q. What are your strengths and weaknesses? When we cant shift our bodies, we often use coats, bags, books, or our hands to physically separate or block off the front of our bodies from others. may not understand texts in which the concepts are presented in isolation and without contextualized support, the sentence structure is complex, or the vocabulary is abstract or has multiple meanings. Linguistic concepts: An introduction to tagnemics. Take a moment to recall the information Rudi Heinz collected about Faridahs English language proficiency test scores: Using the information presented in the preceding section, answer the following questions. Become a higher self-monitor, which means start to notice your communication more. Increased awareness about these cycles can help you make conscious moves to change your nonverbal communication and, subsequently, your cognitive and emotional states (McKay, Davis, & Fanning, 1995). Research on public speaking anxiety has focused on three key ways to address this common issue: systematic desensitization, cognitive restructuring, and skills training (Bodie, 2010). Metts, S. and Sally Planlap, Emotional Communication, in Handbook of Interpersonal Communication, 3rd ed., eds. Is the learners relationship to these languages based on expertise, inheritance, affiliation, or a combination? (p. 418). Remember that adaptors can hurt your credibility in more formal or serious interactions. You know, I cant drive yet. However, research shows that education and training in nonverbal communication can lead to quick gains in knowledge and skill (Riggio, 1992).

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which of the following describes situational communication competence

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